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Benin is a small country bordering western Nigeria. It is the birthplace of voodoo, and Christianity is viewed by many in the north as a threat to their traditional beliefs. Every village and many homes in the north have a designated place for animal sacrifice (and sometimes human sacrifice). Voodoo is an official religion, and Voodoo Day is a public holiday. Witchcraft is deeply ingrained in the local culture and is openly practiced. Christianity is considered a foreign religion that steals a community’s youth and prevents them from being properly initiated into the local tribes. Every village chief serves as both a political leader and a voodoo priest.
Major Religion:
About 30 percent of the people in Benin are Christians. Nearly 40 percent practice ethnic religions, and another 30 percent are Muslims.
Believers are persecuted by their family and community.

What It Means To Follow Christ In Benin
Persecution is prevalent in the north. New converts to Christianity are beaten and sometimes killed, while church buildings are routinely destroyed. Villages keep evangelists out and prevent construction of new churches.
Access To Bibles:
Bibles are available, but they are hard to find in rural areas. Give Bibles
VOM Work:
Most of VOM’s work involves urgent persecution response, providing food, shelter and personal items for individuals who have been driven from their homes. We are also providing Bibles in a region where most people practice voodoo. Give to VOM’s Global Ministry
Prayer Requests:
- Benin is the birthplace of voodoo, and the country celebrates National Voodoo Day on January 10th each year. Pray that voodooists will find new life in Christ.
- Pray that Christians who have been attacked by voodooists will be encouraged and stand firm in their faith.
- In Benin, about 30% are Christians, 40% practice ethnic religions and 30% are Muslims. Pray that more will know Christ.
- Pray that churches and pastors will shine a light through the darkness in Benin and glorify God.
- Pray for sisters Renee and Rebecca, and others who are persecuted by their families for following Christ.