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Until the 21st century, Bangladesh was considered one of the poorest countries in the world. Though there are signs of economic growth, governmental instability continues. Churches are careful when offering relief to the poor and needy because they do not want to encourage false conversions among people claiming faith in Christ solely for economic benefit. While Bangladesh is a majority-Muslim nation, the government avoids undue influence from Islamists and actively fights extremism. Millions of Bangladeshis are learning about Christ and the Bible through media outreaches.
Major Religion:
87 percent of Bangladeshis are Sunni Muslims and 2 percent are Shia Muslims. Approximately one-half of 1 percent are Christians.
Local Muslim authorities, Islamic extremist groups, families and communities persecute Christians. Hindus persecute believers in the northwestern part of the country, and Buddhist (Chakma) extremists persecute believers in the southeastern Chittagong Hill Tracts.

What It Means To Follow Christ In Bangladesh
Many Christian groups meet publicly, while others worship in unregistered churches. When Muslims convert to Christianity, they are often forced to leave their community.
Access To Bibles:
The Bangladesh Bible Society and the missions community have made Bibles available in several languages, but those in rural areas and especially Muslim converts have difficulty finding and acquiring them. Give Bibles
VOM Work:
VOM serves those expelled from their communities and provides for the medical needs of those injured in persecution attacks. We support Bible distributions and evangelism training, and we provide rural pastors, bold evangelists and church planters with tools and resources for their ministry. Give to VOM’s Global Ministry
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Juhel, who was beaten in the street after telling others about his faith in Christ.
- Praise God for the bold faith of Shebona, a teenager who led her siblings to faith in Christ.
- Pray for Rojina, who has faced opposition while leading evangelistic teams into slums to share the gospel.
- Pray for Abdul, a former imam who was beaten by his nephew because of his faith in Christ.
- Pray that Christians who are rejected by family members because of their faith will show God's love to them.