Session 2Evangelizing the Invaders

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The “peaceful” takeover of Romania by a million Communist Russian troops in August 1944 initiated a nightmare of change, loss, and “reeducation” for the people. Some managed to flee or go into hiding. Those who remained—especially, but not exclusively, those who were known to be religious—were closely watched. For decades Christians, people who were not atheists, and even known atheists and party members were subject to surveillance, betrayal, arrest, beatings, and torture at any time for nearly any offense.

  • If your community was to experience trauma and chaos, how do you think your relationships with people in your neighborhood, at school, or at work would change?
  • What do you think about the risk Richard took to go into the Russian barracks in order to share the gospel, and how willing are you to risk serious consequences in order to share the gospel?
  • Who are the risky people, what are the risky places for sharing the gospel in our communities, and what consequences might we face if we stand for Christ in those situations?

Finish this session by evaluating your current willingness to step out and "love big".

  • Perhaps you could even identify a person or type of people that God may be moving you to love, as you are inspired by the story of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand loving those that invaded Romania.
  • As you identify whom God is asking you to love, pause and pray that God will give you the ability to walk in obedience in this new commitment to Him.