“You are of our blood, and unless you return to our traditions, I
will take back your blood myself!” shouted the uncle of U
Maung Than.

When Than decided to leave his family’s traditional religion and
become a follower of Christ, he immediately became a marked man by
his own family in his homeland of Myanmar. He was soon arrested and
imprisoned on trumped-up charges. The military dictatorship used the
uncle’s hatred of Than’s faith to sentence him to death.

In March 2002, Maung Maung and Kam Lian Ceu, two Christian
friends of Than, came to visit and encourage him, not realizing their friend
was in prison. Maung and Kam learned of the seriousness of Than’s case,
as well as the intense hatred against his faith in Christ. For two days the
men diligently sought permission to visit him in prison but were continually
rejected. On the third day, military police in that area finally allowed
Maung and Ceu to see Than, but they were ordered not to speak to him.

After traveling with Than and the police escort to a wooded area,
Maung and Ceu were surprised to receive permission to talk with Than.
Before they could say anything, Than pleaded with them, “Please go to
my area and share the Gospel. This is our responsibility: that the Gospel
covers the entire neighboring area. You must be faithful unto death.”

Suddenly one of the police shouted at Than, “You have said too
much!” He drew out his pistol and shot Than in the head. The two
Christian friends stared in shock and disbelief. The tears began to flow
as they stared at the bloodied body of their dear brother in Christ. Than’s
friends were sternly warned to recant their Christian faith or the same
would happen to them.

Than’s dying wish was for his friends to be “faithful unto death.”
With his sacrifice he proved qualified, on behalf of his Savior, to make
such a request.

This story is an excerpt from Foxe: Voices of the Martyrs. You can get your own copy free with any donation to The Voice of the Martyrs.

Stories of Christian Martyrs: U Maung Than
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