Xavia, 30, survived a brutal assault eight years ago. During a 2016 attack, rebels with a militant group set fire to numerous homes in her village. Her husband, mother, father and sisters were burned alive. Xavia was tied up and subjected to horrific torture, rendering her unable to have additional children. She doesn’t know how she survived the assault but only remembers waking up in an evacuation truck. She was sent to another country for surgery, but her emotional wounds need additional healing.

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Categories: iCommitToPray

Christians have suffered greatly from civil war in the Central African Republic (CAR) since 2012. They are targeted and attacked by Muslim rebels who accuse them of assisting militias that have carried out revenge killings against Muslims. They have been driven from their towns and villages as attackers loot and destroy their homes and churches, forcing tens of thousands into emergency camps for Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs).

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Categories: iCommitToPray

Christians have suffered greatly from ongoing civil war in the Central African Republic (CAR), where thousands have been forced from their homes. “These people are often the poorest of the poor,” said a front-line worker. “Entire villages have been destroyed, and people have had to flee with nothing. Some were digging up roots to have something to eat in order to survive.”

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Categories: iCommitToPray