The life change for Henry Lyman was dramatic. A fellow alumnus of Amherst College described him as “one of the worst, boldest in wickedness, defying the authority of God.” But after his conversion, “he became as ardent and bold for Christ as before he had been in opposition to all good.” After studying theology at Andover Seminary and medicine in Boston, Lyman became one of the first missionaries sent to Indonesia by theAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Less than ayear into his service, Lyman and his companion, Samuel Munson, metsome Batak warriors near Tapahuli in northern Sumatra. Servants traveling with the missionaries reported that each was speared and then eatenby the Batak. Lyman’s intense, shortened, but dramatic life ended in violence, but work among the Batak continued. Today the Batak worship Christ and train others for missionary service in the region. This story is an excerpt from Foxe: Voices of the Martyrs. You can get your own copy free with any donation to The Voice of the Martyrs.

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