FROM THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS PRESIDENT:COLE RICHARDS The governments of many nations have declared Bibles to be illegal. And since we, like the apostles, must obey God rather than men (see Acts 5:27–29); they treat us as criminals — smugglers of dangerous contraband — for bringing God’s Word to our Christian brothers and sisters in restricted nations. Likewise, terrorists and other militant groups view us as enemies as we risk our lives to replace the Bibles they have destroyed and to ensure that each Christian in a hostile area has a personal copy of the Bible. This is my 25th year as a Bible smuggler, and I am still astonished at the lengths to which persecutors will go to seek and destroy a book they claim to be fiction. The Bible stands alone as the one book in the world that groups and governments spend an enormous amount of time, money and effort to eliminate. But why? The answer should encourage and excite us. “This is my 25th year as a Bible smuggler, and I am still astonished at the lengths to which persecutors will go to seek and destroy a book they claim to be fiction.” COLE RICHARDS

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FROM THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS PRESIDENT:COLE RICHARDS Women are largely disregarded by the governments and major religions of nations where The Voice of the Martyrs serves. It is understandable, therefore, that some assume the advancement of God’s kingdom in such places is focused on men, with women relegated to supporting roles. But nothing could be further from the truth — either now or throughout church history. While women face particular challenges in frontier missions contexts, God often uses the marginalized or “less likely” to accomplish his purposes. Each of us is tempted by the enemy, through our own attributes, to conclude that we are unfit for God’s use. Our sisters in Christ, whose stories are often featured in our free magazine, are perfect case studies. For example, by human reasoning, what chance does a widow have of leading Muslims to Christ in an Islamist context where women are treated as possessions of their male family members? Faced with thoughts like this, I remind myself of Gladys Aylward’s work in China and Amy Carmichael’s in India. Like all of us, they had no chance on their own but every chance with God. As secularists continually pit men against women in

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Insights From Cole Richards, President Of The Voice Of The Martyrs, On Obedience And Fear The following reflection on discipleship and persecution is part of a three-part series written by Cole Richards, President of The Voice of the Martyrs. In this insightful passage, he shares how persecuted Christians can boldly, lovingly, and humbly obey Christ, no matter the cost. PART I: THE “AT ANY COST” MINDSET Our Lord has taught us the first step in preparing for persecution, and our Chinese Christian family members have walked it out in exemplary fashion under a brutal Communist regime for more than 70 years. Christ instructed us to count the cost of discipleship and take up our cross daily. Following Him is costly, but since He is infinitely worthy, we must continue paying without a thought when persecutors raise the price by opposing us. VOM’s founder, Richard Wurmbrand, said, “A man really believes not what he recites in his creed, but only the things he is ready to die for.” The first step in preparing for persecution is identifying the things we will do at any cost. We will read God’s Word, pray, worship, gather with other believers, and witness for Christ, and nothing will stop

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Insights From Cole Richards, President Of The Voice Of The Martyrs, on Preparing for persecution. Part I: The “At Any Cost” Mindset Our Lord has taught us the first step in preparing for persecution, and our Chinese Christian family members have walked it out in exemplary fashion under a brutal Communist regime for more than 70 years. Christ instructed us to count the cost of discipleship and take up our cross daily. Following Him is costly, but since He is infinitely worthy, we must continue paying without a thought when persecutors raise the price by opposing us. VOM’s founder, Richard Wurmbrand, said, “A man really believes not what he recites in his creed, but only the things he is ready to die for.” The first step in preparing for persecution is identifying the things we will do at any cost. We will read God’s Word, pray, worship, gather with other believers, and witness for Christ, and nothing will stop us from doing these things with willing and glad hearts. Because we do these things in obedience to the commands of our Lord, their worth is beyond evaluation. The value of everything else in this world pales in comparison, including our

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